This is a super hit song from the movie Veera Thirumahan starring Aanandhan, Sachchu, E V Saroja and others. The movie was directed by the famous director A C Thiruloka Chandar and the music for the movie had been composed by the most successful music duo of the Tamil movie industry ever, Viswanathan-Ramamurthy. The famous music duo had composed the music for several super hit movies such as Puthaiyal, Karnan, Kaadhalikka Neramillai, Server Sundaram to name a few. Aanandhan the hero of this movie is the father of the actress sisters Disco Shanthi and Lalitha Kumari (Prakash Raj's Wife). The song has been written by Kannadasan. Just listen to the lyrics to understand why this is a Valentines' Day special. The romantic and melodious music too is sufficient justification by itself. Enjoy the song!
Valentines' Day Special
February 14, 2010
A C Thiruloka Chandar
Cinema Paattu
Roja Malare
Tamil Songs
Veera Thirumagan
Viswanathan Ramamurthy
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