This is a hit song from the movie Kaadhal Kondaen starring Dhanush, Sonia Agarwal and others. The movie had been directed by Dhanush's brother Selva Raghavan and the movie had been a huge hit with the support of the younger generation. The movie's music had been composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja and the songs had all been hits. This particular song has been sung by Harish Raghavender whose voice seems to be the favourite choice of several heroes of the current generation. Selvaraghavan's recent movies have not done well and there seems to be some delay in the release of his recent venture Aayirathil Oruvan.
Dhanush Hits - Devadhaiyai Kandaen
November 10, 2009
Cinema Paattu
Kaadhal Konden
Selva Raghavan
Sonia Agarwal
Tamil Songs
Yuvan Shankar Raja
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